UPDATE: How to Stop the Slugs. Attempt 3: Nematodes

Slugs gotten by the nematodes, a photo by ourgreenthumbs on Flickr. So, we used the whole pack in one night. You add a quarter of a pack at a time to a whole watering. Daniel covered all the foliage and soil. On the pack it says it takes around a week to start working…after around 3 days we started to see results. The nematodes cause the slugs to dehydrate. Losing their slime (eurgh) and eventually ending up as dead bits of dry rubber. Below is what can only be described as the preliminary stage to the above and seemed to … Continue reading UPDATE: How to Stop the Slugs. Attempt 3: Nematodes

Our seeds @ 8 days

Our seeds @ 8 days, a photo by ourgreenthumbs on Flickr. So the beetroots aren’t doing a lot, bar two on the left. Everything seems to be doing alright! Not sure the speed of everything, so need to do some research on when to actually plant them! We lost a load to birds, frost and slugs last month. So fingers crossed this month we’ll have a better chance!! Any tips on planting Romanesco, Lettuce, Carrots, Beetroots, Leeks, Cauliflower, Courgettes (Zucchini for our friends across the pond) and dwarf beans your help is appreciated!! 🙂 Continue reading Our seeds @ 8 days

Hello world!

Hiya, we are Daniel & Rosamund. We live in a ground floor garden flat in Brighton, East Sussex, UK. This year we’ve decided to grow our own veg and eat it. We want to use organic materials and methods where possible. Like a lot of people, we spend most of our spare time cooking, discussing, researching and eating food, so the idea of  growing our own veg is the dream. We want this to be a place that we can share our experiences and hopefully some tips with the online veg growing community and anyone else who might be interested. If you’d … Continue reading Hello world!